The importance of social innovation for the visually impaired citizens
The Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Case
Innovation; Social Innovation; Registration Service, Impaired citizens; Local Governments, The Istanbul Metropolitan MunicipalityAbstract
Today, innovation appears as new ideas, creative ideas, new situations in the form of devices or methods. Innovation is also often seen as the implementation of better solutions that meet new requirements, specific needs, or current market needs. Social innovation has special importance among the forms of innovation. This study aims to evaluate social innovation applications for visually disabled citizens in local governments. This study also aims to conduct a registration service review for visually impaired citizens within the scope of social innovation. With the registration service, it is aimed to voice the books in line with the demands of visually impaired members through volunteer readers. This study also evaluates the IMM’s social innovation efforts that provide innovative solutions to their problems. Additionally, this study also evaluated audio libraries for visually impaired individuals, which help them to read books.
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