Understanding citizen health protocol behavioral intention: The mediation role of perceived risk
Message Campaign, Perceived Risk, Behavioral Intention, Health Belief Model, TRA, Covid-19Abstract
Amid the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, there are still many people who do not comply with health protocols, so this condition has prompted the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Health to create a #changeusirwabah campaign with a risk communication approach. This study aims to determine what and to what extent the factors in the campaign can change people's behavior to live a healthy life based on the Health Belief Model and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) theory. This study uses a quantitative research approach with regression analysis techniques carried out by taking 170 samples of people in DKI Jakarta who are aware of the Change Banish Outbreak campaign. The role of mediation in this study is an exciting research finding. The perceived risk variable used as a communication approach by the Ministry of Health has a vital role in encouraging the influence of campaign messages on behavioral intention. The results in this study can be used as guidelines for an institution to change public health behavior through health campaigns using a risk approach.
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