Systematic mapping of green human resource management: Bibliometric analysis
Green HRM, Bibliometrics, systematic mappingAbstract
This study discusses the trend about green human resource management (GHRM) conducted by researchers in international scope. This study aims to understand: (a) the distribution and research links about GHRM in the last 5 years; (b) the level of productivity of GHRM researchers; and (c) the distribution map and international publication of GHRM research according to the keywords. The data collection is done by conducting a data search through Scopus using the keywords of ‘strategic human resource management with the category, article title, abstracts, and keywords during the last five years (2016-2021). The data choice is only based on the articles that have been published and focused on the field of business, management, and accounting. The data is then exported into CSV (comma-separated values) format. The trend of the development of international publications in the GHRM field is analyzed using VosViewer software. The research results show that the development of the instrumentation field in 2016-2021 indexed by Scopus has the highest occurrence in 2020, which reached 78 publications (29.66%). The international publication of the GHRM field is mostly published by the Journal of Cleaner Production, while the most productive author in GHRM is Charbel Jose, Chiapetta Jabbour.
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