The objectives of interest-free financing: An evaluation on the main texts


  • Selman Duran Assistant Professor, School of Business, Istanbul Medipol University, Goztepe Mah. Ataturk Cad. No: 40/16, 34815 Beykoz, Istanbul, Turkey



Interest-free financing, Finance, Islamic Finance


In contemporary global liberal economic systems, interest is recognized as an essential and indispensable tool. Ontologically speaking, there is no imperative to eliminate interest from within the system, although debates may arise concerning its rates. The notion that interest in history is considered a need beyond the norm is almost unheard of. Muslim societies integrated into the global economic system have adopted practices to normalize the use of interest, despite acknowledging that it conflicts with their beliefs. However, these efforts have not been successful in reducing interest rates or providing interest-free options to Islamic individuals and institutions. Although the compatibility of interest-free financial institutions and instruments developed under the liberal economic system and Islamic law requires further research, these entities are alleviating the root causes of interest rate restrictions. This study addresses the specific reasons behind the prohibition of interest and explores ways to eliminate these issues while remaining within the system. Using the document analysis method, which is commonly used in qualitative research for methodological purposes, this study will examine basic works in the field and provide evaluations.


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How to Cite

Duran, S. (2020). The objectives of interest-free financing: An evaluation on the main texts. Bussecon Review of Social Sciences (2687-2285), 2(3), 24–30.


