The application of the rights and obligations of workers during the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia

Labor Law Perspective


  • Adnan Hamid



Rights and Obligations of Workers, UUCK No.11/2020, Labor Law Ius poenale and Ius puniendi, Indonesia


This article aims to examine and analyze the rights and obligations of workers /laborers during the Covid-19 outbreak from the perspective of labor law in Indonesia. The complexity of the issue regarding the rights and obligations of workers has increased again when the Government and the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia passed the Law on Job Creation or Undang-Undang tentang Cipta Kerja  Nomor 11 tahun 2020 (UUCK No.11/2020). The research method used is a normative juridical approach. Normative juridical research is usually known as the study of documents, using qualitative methods in analyzing data and using secondary data as sources.The results of this study found that the labor and industrial relations sector, especially related to the rights and obligations of workers and employers, was initially strongly influenced by the development of globalization and information communication technology. Then, with the enactment of UUCK No.11/2020 as the latest labor law in Indonesia, and the outbreak of Covid-19, problems related to industrial relations have become increasingly complex. When viewed from the latest labor law in Indonesia, employers tend to have a stronger position when compared to the position of workers both in terms of interpretation and implementation. This is a challenge in national legislation so that legal efforts are needed to guarantee and provide legal certainty to business actors by applying sanctions in the form of criminal sanctions as ius poenale and ius puniendi.


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How to Cite

Hamid, A. (2021). The application of the rights and obligations of workers during the Covid-19 outbreak in Indonesia: Labor Law Perspective . International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 3(3), 26–37.



Business Ecosystem