The influence of job insecurity and person-job fit on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction
Job Insecurity, Person-Job Fit, Turnover Intention, Job SatisfactionAbstract
This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of job insecurity and person-job fit on turnover intention mediated by job satisfaction. The population of this study are permanent and contract employees of Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta, with the number of 148 people. From a total of 148 employees from management to subordinates, 108 employees of Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta become the research sample. The data analysis used in this study is path analysis using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of this study prove that: (1) Job insecurity negatively and significantly influences job satisfaction of employees in Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta; (2) Person-job fit positively and significantly influences job satisfaction of employees in Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta; (3) Job satisfaction negatively and significantly influences turnover intention of employees in Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta; (4) Job satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intention of employees in Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta; and (5) Job satisfaction is able to mediate the relationship between person-job fit and turnover intention of employees in Pamella 6 and 7 Supermarket Yogyakarta.
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