Towards a shared vision of peace, security, migration and climate change in Africa
Conflict, land use change, population displacement, food security, Agriculture, ForestAbstract
Increasing evidence indicates that climate change is likely to exacerbate anxieties and dangers, leading to heightened conflict and fragility. Climate change may exacerbate food insecurity and encourage climate-related migration, so damaging socioeconomic systems and increasing the likelihood of conflicts over diminishing natural resources. Many drought-affected communities are contending with the compounded impacts of additional crises, such as insecurity, war, and the consequences of climate change, including food insecurity, flooding, and drought. This study, informed by a systematic literature analysis, demonstrates the necessity for communal solutions to address protection issues related to human mobility in the aftermath of the adverse effects of catastrophes and climate change, even when normative and legal instruments are utilised. This situation necessitates a thorough analysis and comprehension of natural mobility patterns, underlying reasons, coordination among key stakeholders, and active involvement in material distribution, capacity enhancement, community engagement, and protection oversight. This study elucidates the human mobility problems associated with climate change and catastrophes, offering recommendations that serve as a foundation for stakeholders addressing this complex issue, ultimately striving towards the shared goal of minimising impacts and safeguarding the most vulnerable populations.
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