Examining the nexus between staff development practices and employee performance at a selected Municipality in KZN
Staff development, performance management, human capital theory, personal development plansAbstract
Globally, staff development is essential for enhancing employee performance and promoting organizational success (Akdere & Egan, 2020). In the context of local municipalities in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), the absence of effective staff development has been recognized as a significant factor contributing to inadequate service delivery (Thusi & Selepe, 2023). Although the importance of staff development is acknowledged, municipalities face challenges in determining the effectiveness of these initiatives (Zulu, Yalezo & Mutambara, 2022). The COVID-19 pandemic has further intensified these issues, resulting in organizational changes, such as the shift to remote work, which have affected employee performance (Rogerson & Rogerson, 2020). This study investigates the influence of staff development programs on employee performance, with a focus on the Msunduzi Municipality. A literature review identified notable challenges, including insufficient engagement, inadequate compensation, and a lack of consultation during the development of performance management systems (Khunoethe, 2021; Govender & Bussin, 2020). The study is grounded in Human Capital Theory, which suggests that investing in employee skills leads to enhanced performance and improved service delivery (Mphahlele & Zandamela, 2021). The methodology involved purposive sampling and in-depth interviews with staff at the Msunduzi Municipality to gain insights into their perceptions of staff development programs. The findings indicated that while training programs were appreciated, they often lacked alignment with broader organizational goals. Personal Development Plans (PDPs) were identified as vital for synchronizing individual growth with municipal objectives; however, challenges related to performance management persisted, reflecting a compliance-driven culture. The study advocates for the implementation of a more integrated staff development framework that focuses on goal-oriented, needs-based training aligned with organizational objectives. Additionally, continuous monitoring and mentorship programs are recommended to ensure ongoing improvements in service delivery and employee performance. Addressing economic constraints through strategic resource allocation will be crucial in overcoming these challenges.
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