The role of digital marketing in enhancing the sustainability of rural retail businesses in Flagstaff, South Africa




digital marketing, retail businesses, sustainability, marketing communication, rural retail, social media, online marketing


Digital marketing has profoundly altered the marketing techniques utilised by merchants. Although a growing number of rural retail enterprises in South Africa are starting to implement these techniques, the comprehensive effect of digital marketing on their sustainability is still inadequately examined. This study seeks to investigate the impact of internet marketing on retail operations in the rural community of Flagstaff. A quantitative research methodology was utilised, distributing questionnaires to all 52 major merchants via a census technique, yielding 45 replies and an 87% response rate. The results demonstrate that merchants employ several digital marketing strategies, such as social media marketing, email marketing, and mobile marketing, to engage with customers and present sales propositions. This engagement is constrained by the minimal acceptance of digital marketing among consumers, restricted e-commerce utilisation, and inadequate digital literacy, preventing both sides from fully leveraging its advantages. The report advises businesses to persist in using digital marketing methods, including social media and email marketing, into their promotional efforts. This strategy will enable them to engage the niche population that prefers these platforms and maintain alignment with market trends, so assuring competitiveness. Furthermore, it is essential to assist rural areas in improving their digital marketing adoption to sustain retail enterprises and maintain relevance in the contemporary digital environment.


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Author Biography

Zizipho Noqazo, Durban University of Technology

Postgraduate student, Public Relations Management Department, Faculty of Management Sciences, Durban University of Technology, South Africa


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How to Cite

Noqazo, Z., & Madondo, E. (2024). The role of digital marketing in enhancing the sustainability of rural retail businesses in Flagstaff, South Africa. International Journal of Business Ecosystem & Strategy (2687-2293), 6(6), 46–56.



Business Ecosystem